The King is Coming


Time is not short.
Time is up.
The King is Coming.
I can’t stress it enough.

Echos in my ear.
So I must spread the warning.
The last hour is near.

Repentance is not a right
It is a privilege.
So please listen
When you hear this.

Accept Jesus now
While you still can.
Surrender to him
And take his hand.

If you don’t,
Hell will be your fate.
And the agony of knowing
This was the choice you made.

I won’t say it nicely
Or Sugar coat it for you.
There is not much time
for you to decide what to do.

You will either go to Hell
Or be at Heaven’s gates.
Accepting Jesus or not
Is how you decide your fate.

Believe me when I ask this.
What will you do?
The decision is yours to make.
What will you choose?